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lm2 is used to fit bidimensional linear regression models using Euclidean and Affine transformations following the approach by Tobler (1965).


lm2(formula, data, transformation)



a symbolic description of the model to be fitted in the format A + B ~ C + D, where A and B are dependent and C and D are independent variables


a data frame containing variables for the model.


the transformation to be used, either 'euclidean', 'affine', or 'projective'.


lm2 returns an object of class "lm2". An object of class "lm" is a list containing at least the following components:


string with the transformation type (euclidean, affine, or projective)


number of predictors used in the model: 4 for euclidean, 6 for affine, 8 for projective.

df_model, df_residual

degrees of freedom for the model and for the residuals


3x3 transformation matrix


transformation coefficients, with a denoting the intercept terms.


scale, angle, and sheer coefficients, depends on transformation.


data frame containing fitted values for the original data set


data frame containing residuals for the original fit

r.squared, adj.r.squared

R-squared and adjusted R-squared.

F, p.value

F-statistics and the corresponding p-value, given the df_model and df_residual degrees of freedom.


Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) difference between the regression model and the null model. A negative values indicates that the regression model is better. See Nakaya (1997).


Distortion index following Waterman and Gordon (1984), as adjusted by Friedman and Kohler (2003)


an underlying linear model for Euclidean and affine transformations.


formula, describing input and output columns


data used to fit the model


function call information, incorporates the formula, transformation, and data.


lm2euc <- lm2(depV1 + depV2 ~ indepV1 + indepV2, NakayaData, 'euclidean')
lm2aff <- lm2(depV1 + depV2 ~ indepV1 + indepV2, NakayaData, 'affine')
lm2prj <- lm2(depV1 + depV2 ~ indepV1 + indepV2, NakayaData, 'projective')
anova(lm2euc, lm2aff, lm2prj)
#> Bidimensional regression:
#>                               dAIC df1 df2      F   p.value    
#> euclidean vs. affine     -13.29021   2  32 9.2189 0.0006891 ***
#> euclidean vs. projective -11.66134   4  30 5.0825 0.0030072 ** 
#> affine vs. projective      1.62887   2  30 0.9658 0.3922043    
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#>          depV1      depV2
#> 1  -0.10714634  0.7355034
#> 2   0.76751919  0.1777630
#> 3   0.71377356  1.5461024
#> 4   0.97343384  0.8287322
#> 5   2.32044682 -0.1858853
#> 6   3.66895537 -0.8335199
#> 7  -1.10962809  1.7756851
#> 8  -1.16310065  1.2187896
#> 9  -1.63076109  1.8346422
#> 10  0.11495606 -0.4178982
#> 11  0.90314950 -0.6598266
#> 12  1.82560030 -0.8248245
#> 13 -0.07100152 -0.8971433
#> 14  1.60705225 -1.8426904
#> 15 -0.19372050 -2.8581066
#> 16  0.62693595 -2.6027024
#> 17  2.68465593  0.8439124
#> 18  3.51168672  0.2106835
#> 19  2.11119272  1.9577835
#> Call:
#> lm2.formula(formula = depV1 + depV2 ~ indepV1 + indepV2, data = NakayaData,      transformation = "euclidean")
#> Coefficients:
#>     Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)    
#> a1  0.140769   0.095863  1.4684    0.1512    
#> a2 -0.010582   0.095863 -0.1104    0.9127    
#> b1  1.348680   0.064359 20.9557 < 2.2e-16 ***
#> b2  0.565693   0.064359  8.7897 2.848e-10 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#> Transformed coefficients:
#>  scale1 scale2  angle
#>  1.4625 1.4625 0.3972
#> Distortion index:
#>                                      Dependent Independent
#> Distortion distance, squared          5.169255       0.000
#> Maximal distortion distance, squared 83.680948      36.706
#> Distortion index, squared             0.061773       0.000
#> Multiple R-squared: 0.9382266 	Adjusted R-squared: 0.8906729
#> F-statistic: 258.1994 on 2 and 34 DF, p-value: < 2.22e-16
#> Difference in AIC to the null model: -101.8027*