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Computes an efficient approximate leave-one-out cross-validation via loo library. It can be used for a model comparison via loo::loo_compare() function.


# S3 method for cumhist
loo(x, ...)



A cumhist object




A named list, see loo::loo() for details.


# \donttest{
gamma_fit <- fit_cumhist(br_singleblock, state="State", duration="Duration")
#> SAMPLING FOR MODEL 'historylm' NOW (CHAIN 1).
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1: Gradient evaluation took 0 seconds
#> Chain 1: 1000 transitions using 10 leapfrog steps per transition would take 0 seconds.
#> Chain 1: Adjust your expectations accordingly!
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1: Iteration:    1 / 2000 [  0%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration:  200 / 2000 [ 10%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration:  400 / 2000 [ 20%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration:  600 / 2000 [ 30%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration:  800 / 2000 [ 40%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Warmup)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%]  (Sampling)
#> Chain 1: 
#> Chain 1:  Elapsed Time: 5.032 seconds (Warm-up)
#> Chain 1:                4.528 seconds (Sampling)
#> Chain 1:                9.56 seconds (Total)
#> Chain 1: 
loo_gamma <- loo(gamma_fit)
#> Warning: Some Pareto k diagnostic values are slightly high. See help('pareto-k-diagnostic') for details.
# }