Seminar 11 Memory game, part 3

During our previous seminar, we competed the core Memory Game. Today we will put more bells-and-whistles on it.

Before we start, create a new folder Memory03 for exercise files. Copy Images subfolder, as well as the and (rename it to, as we will use the latter as the staring point) from the previous seminar. Also, download sounds7 file and unzip it into a Sounds subfolder in the seminar directory.

11.1 Sound effects

Let us add “clicking” sounds whenever the player turns the card. For this, we will use sound module of PsychoPy library. If your sound does not play, ask me and we will try to set your sound libraries up.

First, you need to import the Sound class as suggested in the manual:

from psychopy.sound import Sound

Next, create a new sound and assign it to a variable click_sound, just like you created the visual stimuli. Use a note name (e.g. "C" or "A") and a short duration (e.g., 0.1 or 0.2 seconds). Do this at the beginning, right after we have created the mouse.

Finally, you need to .play() this sound just like you .draw() the visual stimuli. However, in PsychoPy by default the sound will not rewind back to the beginning after it finished playing (at least not for the generated sound and the setup I have). So once you play it once, it is “at the end” and the next time you try to play it, there will be no sound (because it has finished playing already). To “rewind” the sound to the beginning, you first .stop() it and then, immediately, .play() it (a bit counterintuitive but works). Do it when the player turns the card over (not just clicks somewhere).

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11.2 Sound from file

Now, let us use more complex prerecorded sounds. Put the files from the folder into a Sounds subfolder of the Memory game. Mixing generated sounds (like we used in the example above) with prerecorded does not always work and it is the limitation of the libraries that PsychoPy relies upon. Thus, let us replace the way the create the click_sound by using click.wav instead of the note value. Note that you must specify the path to that file (it is in the "Sounds" folder), so use use os.join.path().

Interestingly, at least for my setup, the sound it reset automatically, so you do not need to .stop() it before you .play() it. Thus, you can drop that extra .stop() call.

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11.3 Feedback sounds

Now let us add two more sounds: correct_sound variable that uses "correct.wav" and error_sound that uses "error.wav". They should be played when two cards are opened, right before the delay. Play correct_sound if the cards matched, error_sound otherwise.

if two cards are opened:
    draw cards
    if cards match:
        play correct_sound
        play error_sound

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11.4 Keeping sounds organized: dictionary comprehension

We now have three variables for three different sounds. We could be tidier than that by putting them into a dictionary sounds and using them as sounds['correct'].play(). This is a more general, tidier (just one variable rather than lots), and more future-proof approach. You can create this dictionary in a direct way sounds = {"click" : Sound(...), ...} but will learn and use dictionary comprehension instead.

Dictionary comprehensions are very similar to list comprehensions. You also loop over a list but you use {} instead of [] and you use an item to generated both a key and the value for a dictionary entry. For example:

index_letters = {i : chr(65+i) for i in range(4)}

Here, you use the item as a key i and generate a string value for it. Note that although keys must be unique, the values are not, so you can use the same value for all entries. Imagine that you are keeping the score in the game and all players start with a zero:

players = ['Anna', 'Bob', 'Chris']
score = {player : 0 for player in players}

Change the code to generate sounds dictionary via comprehension and use it instead of variables. In our case, the three keys should be "click", "correct", and "error". You can generate the filename from these keys, just do not forget to add the ".wav" extension.

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11.5 Logging data

Although we recorded basic stats like the number of attempts or the total amount of time a player required, for a real experiment you would want to record as much information as possible. In our case, we would want to record every card flip. In the real experiment, that would inform us which chicken that are easier or harder to memorize.

For this, we will use ExperimentHandler, which is a part of experimental scheduling and data logging tools of PsychoPy. Basically, we need to have three additional pieces of code: 1) one that creates the handler, 2) one that logs the information about the click (card, time, and attempt number), 3) one that save the log to a file.

  1. Create an ExperimentHandler() object and assign it to the exp variable. Do it near the place where you created the window. There are multiple options you can specify but for out intents and purposes the defaults will do.
  2. To log information about each click, you need to first .addData(key, value) for each variable (key) and value you want to record. In our case you need to call it three times for "card" (value is the "filename" of the card the player clicked on), "attempt" (value is the index of the current attempt), and "time" (value is the time since the start, you already have a timer variable that you can use for this). After all three .addData() calls, you need to tell the handler to advance to the next row of you log table using .nextEntry() method. Put this code right after your “flipped” the card.
  3. To save information to a file, you need to call .saveAsWideText(…) method of the exp. You need to supply the filename parameter and, possibly, further options such as a delimiter (delim). My suggestion would be to use a filename such as "log.csv" and "," for a delimiter symbol (this would make a standard comma-separated-values file that any program can read). Put this code at the very end after the game over message.

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11.6 More rounds

We have been using left-facing chicken (the image files that start with "l") but we also have right-facing chicken (the image files that start with "r"). Let us use both sets, so that games run for two rounds, first left- then right-facing chicken.

For this, we will need to create a variable with the list of conditions. Let us, inventively, call it conditions and it will be a simple list of two items: "'l'" and "r". Create this variable in the beginning, before you create cards.

Next, create an outer loop over the conditions. You code should look roughly like that

creating window, mouse, sounds, experiment handler, etc.
create conditions list
for condition in conditions:
    create cards using condition letter to filter files
    prepare everything for the round (gameover variable, timer, attempts counter, etc.)
    while not gameover:
        mouse handling
        keyboard handling
    game over message (change it to block results message)
save logs
close window

When you create cards use the condition (assuming that you used for condition in conditions:) instead of the hardcoded "l" to filter the files. You also to need to log the condition. Add a exp.addData() call for it along the other ones.

Finally, modify your “game-over” message to be “end-of-the-block” message. You still should show the stats, change only with wording.

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11.7 Random order

Randomize order of conditions before the main loop.

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11.8 ABBA order

When running an actual experiment, you may want to account for the learning effect. If conditions are presented in separate blocks (as in our case), the ones that occur later will benefit from learning (although they will also suffer because of fatigue). One way to even things out, is present conditions twice in a direct and, then, a reverse order (ABBA). This way, a condition which was used first (no learning) is also the last one (maximal learning).

Once you randomized the order of the first two blocks, you need to add the same list but in a reverse order. One possibility is a .reverse() method. However, it reverses the list itself in-place. Instead you should use slicing to create a new reversed list before adding it to the original one. Read again on lists, if you forgot how it works. The idea is simply to conditions = conditions + conditions-that-are-sliced-to-be-in-reverse-order. You can test this code in a Jupyter cell, before putting into the main code.

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11.9 We want more!

Now you have a real working experiment with randomized condition order, logging, feedback, etc. Think about how you can improve it further. Instructions? More/less feedback?

  1. The files are public domain from↩︎